Love it. Love beets, love dill, love the color. And especially love it with sour cream, or сметана, or even better mascarpone!

Vermont, December 2024
When searching for a recipe today, I found an old email thread where a friend in Berkeley had invited me over for borscht. He was making it for the first time and found the spelling discussions, and all the various versions that claim to be the One True Borshch.
This is how I made it tonight:
Saute onion, garlic and a bay leaf in olive oil until soft.
Boil potatoes, beets, carrots (I used a sweet potato since that’s what I had), and cabbage in broth with another bay leaf. Add the onion and garlic, and lots of dill. Add some meat — usually seared beef chunks work best, but I had lots of left over ravioli meat, so used that. Also throw in a tomato and an apple, just for sweetness.
Salt and pepper to taste. I don’t like it super salty, but it definitely needs more. I’m sure it will be even better tomorrow.