Like shoes, bags and scarfs, we seem to collect condiments. I like variety and I like juxtaposing contrasting flavors and textures. These baby burgers, both with avocado, shaved Parmesan and fried onions, each have a different assortment of condiments. And it was so long ago (Thursday) that I don’t quite remember what the combos were. I think it was trufflemayo-greypouon-relish and horseradish-cilantrochutney-hotrusssianmustard.

Sunday brunch variations: trufflemayo-cilantrochutney + fenugreek sprouts; cinnamonbutter-barrhillhoney; pistachiocream-lemoncurd; walnutbutter-blackberryjam. I’m quite pleased that four of the eight were homemade (cinnamon butter from Carl, blackberry jam from Katya, and I made the pistachio cream with pistachio liqueur (both from Italy), and the walnut butter with honey and ginger).